Amanda Hyman
Human Dimensions and Economics of Conservation
Assessing Thermal Regimes of Headwater Streams
I served as the project manager for a ~$100K research award investigating the influence of stream channel and valley morphology on hyporheic exchange and river temperature. Under direction of the PIs, I coordinated and conducted fieldwork in Oregon, Washington, and Montana, developed and implemented data logger deployment techniques, downloaded data loggers, managed and analyzed field data. I applied a computer simulation model to identify expected stream temperature response signatures to variation in the rate and magnitude of hyporheic exchange.
Fogg, S.K., S.J. O’Daniel, G.C. Poole, A.M. Reinhold, and A.A. Hyman. 2020. A simple, reliable method for long-term, in-stream data logger installation using rock climbing hardware. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
Fogg, S.K., G.C. Poole, A.M. Reinhold, S.J. O’Daniel, and A.A. Hyman. In Prep. Thermal insulation versus capacitance: a comparison of shading and hyporheic exchange on daily and annual stream temperature cycles. Water Resource Research.